Wednesday, October 29, 2014


That's me (in Spring 2014) trying to convince some 10th graders that learning is good...
[NOTE: Whereas with the Prezi, I was trying to convince the students, this is where I am trying to convince my colleagues… Obviously I could never send this around any school where I worked; I’d be out on my butt if I tried, but let’s pretend…
Mr. Lerner preaching to the choir
Additional note: Although I have been an assistant teacher for both 7th and 10th grade ELA, I have not had to deal with the interoffice memos, etc. that a “real” teacher would have to deal with in a "real" high school. Let’s say this is idealized… In other words, allow me some fun before I’m in the trenches…And yes, the teachers I make fun of have the names of those I’ve worked with in the past. Like I said, let me have some fun…
My “character” is of the teacher who has been trying to open the minds of the other teachers to the concept of multimodality and digital literacies—unsuccessfully, but who hasn’t stopped trying. All of the readings from our Digital Literacies class that I mention in this blog-post have been sent around to the other teachers at this hypothetical/imaginary school, but it’s doubtful any have read them. But my “character” keeps trying.]