Tuesday, December 16, 2014

START HERE!!! for the electronic portfolio of Ivan Lerner

Greetings and welcome to the Electronic Portfolio of Ivan Lerner, for the Digital Literacies class at CCNY, Fall 2014.

This is my “cover letter” or introduction to the work that I have completed for this class.

Digital Literacies gives us the theoretical backing to do what it takes in regards to encouraging writing. And the ends justify the means: If little Johnny or Susie is writing, who cares how they are doing it, and how they got to that point?

It boils down to this: Who do you believe in? The students? Or the system?

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

DIGITAL LITERACIES: Rhetorical Analysis & Backward Integration

So this week (11/11), we had to rhetorically analysis our remediations. Sounds arcane, right?
Well I gave myself too much hard work with this one....
Check out my penmanship below the break....

DIGITAL LITERACIES: Number Nine, Number Nine, Number Nine, Number Nine, Number Nine, Number Nine...

The week of November 11, 2014, we were reading Lawrence Lessig's REMIX...
An impressive posting is below the break....

DIGITAL LITERACIES: Blog Post Eight; and Cathy Davidson joins us!

The class for November 4, 2014, had a hefty bit of fascinating reading....
More below the break....

DIGITAL LITERACIES: #7 continued--Remediation of a Prezi

This week (10/29/14) in addition to the blog posting (click Here--or just look down...), the class had to remediate the Prezi we had created for October 15.

So to remediate that, I made this.


There were no blog posts required for the seventh week, but instead a robust conversation on  the discussion boards.
I was all over the board that day, and probably won't include all my posts, but maybe a few...
Or not...
Read more after break...

DIGITAL LITERACIES: Six! A Prezi For All Seasons! (from October 21, 2014)

This week, for class (10/21/14), I created another PREZI (CLICK HERE), and boy, was this one neat! (Ouch, that's me spraining my arm patting myself on the back...)